
T4 Capital AG
Stutzstrasse 7
CH-8834 Schindellegi

Entry detail amendments in register of commerce follows shortly.

The copyright for all contents of this website is held by T4 Capital AG.


By accessing our website, you declare that you have understood the Conditions of Use and accept them in full. If you disagree with or do not understand one or more of the provisions in the present Conditions of Use, kindly leave our website.

Access to our website is not permitted to people who, especially on account of their nationality and/or place of residence, are subject to legal regulations that prohibit the publication of the content of our website or access to our website (no matter what the reasons). People to whom this restriction applies are forbidden from accessing our website.

The information and opinions published on our website do not constitute recommendations or encouragement, offers or invitations to (i) purchase or sell investment vehicles; (ii) conduct such transactions; or (iii) conclude other legal business. They are exclusively for information and advertising purposes.

The information and opinions published on our website do not serve as investment advice, nor do they constitute advice on legal, fiscal, business or other matters in any way. They are unsuitable as the basis for decision-making. Please seek advice from specialized experts before deciding on any specific course of action. The presentation of content over the Internet and the consultation thereof do not establish any legal relationship whatsoever between the provider and the user.

We take utmost care in preparing the content of this website. The content on our website is constantly updated and checked for correctness. Nevertheless, we offer no guarantees (whether explicit or tacit) and make no promises about whether the content published on our website is correct, accurate, up-to-date or complete.

Furthermore, we accept no responsibility and offer no guarantees that the functions on our website will not be interrupted or error-free, that faults will be repaired or that the servers from which the content can be obtained are free of viruses, Trojans, worms, software bombs or other harmful components or programs.

In general, the past performance of an investment vehicle cannot in principle be used to draw any conclusions about the performance thereof in the future. All the data provided through this website, including financial market data, exchange-rate information, reports, research and other financial information, comes from sources that are carefully chosen and considered reliable. All available information is provided to users without guarantees about its accuracy and without explicit or tacit guarantees or warranties with regard to quality, originality, copyright-infringement or its suitability for a specific purpose.

All the elements on our website are protected by intellectual property rights and are the property of us or third parties. Downloading or printing elements of our website shall not transfer any rights thereto, in particular rights with regard to software or brands. Copyright and trademark notices may be neither changed nor removed. Reproduction of parts of or complete elements of our website, no matter what form this may take (especially electronically or printed), is permissible only if accompanied by complete references to the source and with our prior consent.

Users who click on links (hyperlinks) may be taken away from our website to the websites of other providers (“external links”) and their content. We provide links to third-party websites on our website in addition to our own content purely for reasons of user-friendliness and information. We have no control over the content of such third-party websites and accept no responsibility for the correctness, completeness, verity or actuality thereof or its suitability for specific purposes. We accept no liability whatsoever, particularly for possible direct or indirect damage or the consequences of using the content of third-party websites. We have no influence over the content of linked pages and therefore, despite taking great care in its choice, accepts no liability for the content of external links, particularly those that are changed after the link was established.

We reserve the right to change these Conditions of Use from time to time. You are therefore requested to read these Conditions of Use whenever you access our website and determine whether you still accept the updated version thereof. If you disagree with or do not understand one or more of the updated Conditions of Use, leave our website.

The aforementioned disclaimers shall be considered an integral part of the website that links to this page. If any parts hereof or individual expressions herein do not, no longer or do not fully comply with the applicable legal framework, the content and validity of the remaining parts of this document will remain unaffected by this.

For all customers, access to and use of this website as well as the Conditions of Use are subject to Swiss law. The place of jurisdiction is Zurich.

Data Policy

This Privacy Policy provides information about how we obtain and process personal data.

“Personal data” means all information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person. “Processing” means any handling of personal data, irrespective of the means and procedures applied, in particular the collection, storage, retention, use, revision, disclosure, archiving, deletion or destruction of personal data.

It is possible that any other documents, such as conditions of participation or similar declarations, regulate specific data processing.

If the data subject provides the Partner or Joint Controller with personal data of other persons (e.g. family members, work colleagues or employees), the data subject must ensure that these persons are aware of this Privacy Policy. Their personal data may only be disclosed to the Partner or Joint Controller if the data subject is authorised to do so and the personal data is correct.

You may contact the following company for data protection concerns:

T4 Capital AG
Stutzstrasse 7
CH-8834 Schindellegi

We primarily obtain and process personal data that is provided to us by the data subject, e.g. when opening a business relationship, in the context of the execution of contracts, the use of products and services or on websites or other applications.

We process various categories of personal data. The most important categories are:

We processes personal data primarily to provide own services, to process contracts with clients and business partners and to comply with legal obligations.

Insofar as consent has been given to process personal data for specific purposes (e.g. when registering for a newsletter), the personal data will be processed within the scope of and based on this consent, insofar as no other legal basis is given and necessary. Consent given can be revoked at any time, but this does not affect data processing that has already taken place.

The Partner undertakes to protect personal data for the data processing’s for which it is responsible in accordance with the applicable laws. The protection of personal data includes appropriate technical and organisational security measures (e.g. access restrictions, firewalls, personalised passwords as well as encryption and authentication technologies, training of employees, etc.).

Recipients of personal data are usually in Switzerland. Particularly when using certain services, personal data may also be disclosed to third parties outside of Switzerland (e.g. Europe or the USA). Where a recipient is located in a country without an adequate level of data protection, we contractually oblige the recipient to comply with the applicable data protection unless the recipient is already subject to a legally recognized set of rules to ensure data protection or the Joint Controller cannot rely on an exemption provision.

When you visits our website, the web server automatically records details of the visit (e.g. the website from which the visit takes place, the visitor’s IP address, the content of the website that is accessed, including the date and duration of the visit). Such tracking data is used to optimise the websites visited and provide information on how the visitor informs himself about and uses the products, services and offers. As a rule, however, it does not allow any conclusions to be drawn about the identity of the visitor. In this respect, no personal data is processed.

However, if the visitor provides personal data, e.g. by filling in a registration form or message field for newsletters etc., we may use this data in particular for the following, in addition to the purposes set out in section 5:

When visiting the websites, the visitor’s data is transported via the internet, i.e. an open network accessible to everyone. Data transmitted via electronic media (including e-mail) cannot be effectively protected against access by third parties. This entails the risk that data may be disclosed or its content changed, that the identity of the sender (e.g. e-mail) as well as the content of the message is faked or manipulated in some other way by unauthorised persons, that viruses may be released, that technical transmission errors, delays or interruptions may occur, that data may be transmitted uncontrolled abroad, where data protection requirements may be lower than in Switzerland, etc. The risk of such manipulation may also arise.

By using the website, visitors confirm their express agreement with this Privacy Policy and the risks mentioned. The duration of the storage of personal data depends on the purpose of the respective data processing and/or legal retention and documentation obligations, which amount to five, ten or more years depending on the applicable legal basis. As soon as the personal data is no longer required for the above-mentioned purposes, it is deleted or made anonymous as far as possible.

Anyone can request information from us as to whether personal data about him/ her is being processed. There is a right of objection or restriction of processing and, where applicable, the right to data portability. Incorrect data can be corrected. Furthermore, the deletion of personal data can be requested, unless legal or regulatory obligations (e.g. legal retention obligations of business-relevant data) or technical hurdles prevent this. The deletion of data may have the consequence that certain services can no longer be provided. In addition, where applicable, there is a right of appeal to a competent authority. Where we process personal data on the basis of consent, this consent may be revoked at any time. In order to respond to your request, we ask for a corresponding, comprehensible message. We will review and respond to the concerns within a reasonable period.

We may amend this data protection declaration at any time without prior notice.